Hi, my fellow Terps! I'm Abdul Raziq Salar, but I prefer to be called "Salar"
I and my team sincerely appreciate each second that you spent learning about me and considering my candidacy for the SGA President because we completely understand that it is the end of the semester and everyone has a long to-do list of things to get done such as final projects and so on.

Running For The SGA President
+1 (202) 8550038
Vote for me is Vote for you: I win, you win, we all win.
Our Flyers
I was Youth Congress President, student Senator, assistant, and Peer Mentor.
Worth mentioning that I did loyal and selfless services for national and international students, assisted and supported our allies, also hundreds and hundreds of disabled in guiding solving problems, improving emotional intelligence, time management, avoiding procrastination, and bridging the gap between their academic success and all available diverse resources at MC and UMD College Park.
More concretely, I did volunteer and provided support for national and international students including but not limited to shelters, food, clothes, etc. Also, encouraged them to be engaged and involved in the school volunteer activities and events to create a healthy network and improve their mental and physical health.
I am sympathetic and have excellent experience in fundraising also very well trained and armed with soft skills that will help SGA and Terps in a variety of sections, such as understanding and solving complex problems, collaborating, fundraising, policy-making, and communication skills.
I graduated with honor from Montgomery College and accomplished three Digital Badge and Professional certificates such as Changemaker, Problem-Solving, MC LEADS, and Emotional Intelligence! I also obtained a Certificate of Diversity-Equity-Inclusion: Certificate of Mental-Well-Being: Certificate of Sexual-Assault-Prevention-for-Community-College from Montgomery College.
I am fluent in 5 languages and have been awarded several praise-honors letters and awards from Montgomery College, State Department, and Congress. Currently, I am a committed student majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics [PPE] at UMD-College Park.
Why Vote For Me?
I have started my work at a very young age of 16th, and have dreamt of using my soft skills such as leadership, self-awareness, communication skills, and emotional intelligence to positively impact and influence the lives of millions of my generations and being a supportive shoulder for vulnerable people around the world because I am a person who does not trust in daydreaming and overthinking but solidly believes in achievable, realistic, and practical obligation to prevail integrity-democracy, instill patriotism, and positive changes in discourse communities, national populations, and international alliances. I believe running for the SGA President position is a healthy and rational decision for me and my team to become an influential leader and protect myself from a big failure in the future, also work shoulder by shoulder with the UMD administration to be a stepping stone for my fellow Terps to successfully achieve their future strategic and academic goals.
I am running to successfully win the SGA President and collaboratively work with the school President, Vice President, University of Maryland Police Department-UMPD, and my fellow Terps to keep UMD's diverse communities safe and a peaceful place for everyone.
We will prioritize assisting Marines/Veterans, school administration, strong national defense, disabled, sexual assault prevention, national and international students, individual freedom, networking, game activities, academic success, scholarships, promoting fearless ideas, equal opportunities, exposure visits, physical-mental- and moral health.
Passionately serving UMD and my fellow Terps during school life is my BluePrint Thesis.
After critically reading our school policies, the SGA constitution, and rules for undergraduate students: We have prioritized [ Priority, Top Priority, Super Top Priority], major points looking at the demand and having satisfied school life of the undergraduate students, then we developed our short-term, mid-term, and long-term action plan based on SMART, for the SGA successful growth.
Simultaneously, we developed very rational and comprehensive concepts, such as working closely in collaboration with the school President's Chief of Staff, Vice President's Chief of Staff, and UMPD's Chief of Staff to keep the UMD communities safe and being engaged with all influential Associations at School, the SGA accountability-transparency concept, disabled students, Sexual Assault Prevention, reform, fundraising, networking, game activities, academic success, scholarships, improving fearless ideas, equal opportunities, exposure visits, physical and mental health concepts that we will share all of these to the school president office.
We will never ever touch anything outside and inside of the school above our job description unless we have official and written approval from our school president's office or the vice president's office. By this, we mean all our concepts and creativity will be shared with the school president's chief of staff; after his/her instructions, we will be moving forward. We also started working on another concept of meetings and strengthening partnerships with all our stakeholders and key partners.
I have highly effective, comprehensive, diverse policy-strategies and a robust action plan to improve the SGA Body, executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
My first sacrifice will be taking 6 credits in the Fall semester to devote my time to serving you, assisting my fellow Terps, enhancing, and reforming the SGA body.
Promoting equal opportunities and fearless ideas, collaborating with the UMD administration and the Chief of Police to have the most secure environment
Collaborating with the UMD administration, UMPD, updating and revising all policies, rules, and strategies of the SGA's and providing better services and assistance to our fellow Terps, and warmly welcoming newly enrolled students to feel secure and satisfied. Also, bridging the gap between Terps and the UMD administration.
We will prioritize and support disabled students.
Implementing the SGA’s policies, strategies, and rules, being accountable for my job responsibilities, and providing Annual Reports to the school administrations and students.
We will have a new supportive club called [ Terps Help Terps or Students Help Students] for civic engagement, reciprocity, and social connectedness.
We will work for Tobacco-free and healthy environment because your physical and mental health is our top priority.
Conducting research and survey at school to see how our policy and program work to avoid blindly and deafly going ahead.
I am a very responsible and committed person with a vast knowledge of experience in both high and low-context cultures to warmly welcome you to be engaged and involved in the SGA events and diverse activities
We will closely work with the State and County Government Units, UN agencies, and National and international nonprofit organizations to find you internships, part-time jobs, provide clothes, food, and shelters for needy students.
We will provide life-saving dream-building programs to give you self-less and loyal services.
We will be closely working with UMD Senators, Peer Mentors, Ambassadors, and other countries' student associations to build trust and the best environment for reciprocity.
Our era will be golden and a big positive change era in the history of SGA since I am very well trained, organized, committed, and passionately willing to work for SGA, and sacrifice for my fellow Terp's life satisfaction, following the UMD administration rules, the SGA policies, working for my job responsibilities, building Trust, and Open mic communication club.
I am a transfer student from Montgomery College who very well knows how to lead the executive, legislative, and judicial branches because it is my field of expertise, and I work as a Senator, Peer Mentor, Student Assistant, and Youth Congress President.
Sharing a comprehensive concept with the school leadership about effectively arranging meetings with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, also with all our former presidents, and first ladies, big companies CEO to support our academic and social concepts such as scholarships, exposure visits, internships, and career.
We will have a very strong social media coverage starting from FB, Twitter, and Instagram, to radio and TV debate programs and talent shows to enhance the school's value and prestige, planning some effective events, and widely celebrating our holidays.
Vote for me is a vote for restoring and recovering your SGA and getting it back on track
Remember, school is opening your eyes, but we will open your mouth and ears; you are not alone; we are with you, do not do everything by your own power; call us to support you.
We are a humble and highly very supportive team; we will always make healthy and rational decisions in every action, so please join us and strongly influence SGA's future decisions. Again, my friends, my fellow Terps, fight for the SGA is a fight for environmental injustice, for your future, for your school scholarships, for equal opportunity to take advantage of all the SGA and three branches, and the entire school's rich resources.
Submitting the SGA restructuring and reforming concept to the school administration for approval with legal and rational justifications to remove overlapped positions and create strategic positions.
We will submit a proposal/concept to the school administration for approval regarding meetings with our governor Larry Hogan, congressmen, senators, congress speaker, majority leader, current and former presidents also, first ladies, big industries owners such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Andy Jassy, state secretary Anton Blinken, national and international nonprofit organization CEOs to support our academic and social concept, including but not limited to scholarships, new technologies, educational resources, internships, part or full-time jobs, study tours, study abroad, and advocating for many opportunities to bring right to our Terps door.
We also intend to develop a concept for participating in national and international talent shows, debates and think tanks such as TED to boost the worth and prestige of the school while also promoting my fellow Terp's ability to lead the world and reach full potential-self-actualization.
Our Mission Statements
We will provide selfless services, transparent and inclusive governance, and advocate for our Terps, residents, and neighborhoods to improve the quality of life and sociability at the UMD diverse communities.
We will tirelessly and effectively work for environmental inequality, accountability, enhance transference, and provide equal opportunities because nothing is more beneficial than seeing you develop.
My team and I will be part of the solution that will encourage your ability to explore your full potential. We will empower and inspire you that passion, hard work, resiliency, and perseverance are the key to reaching limitless dreams.
We will motivate, inspire, and improve the abilities of those fellow Terps who want to be future leaders to lead the world, lead their nation, and work for democracy, freedom, human and civil rights.
I assure you that my committed team will be a Role Model and stepping-stone to assisting you with a better approach to your academic success and school life satisfaction.
We plan to raise money and get financial and technical resources from donors and national and international organizations in order to increase the number of scholarships, exposure visits, and cultural exchange journeys we can offer to students and scholars.
We will be a voice for voiceless students, victims, sexual, and other ethnic violations
Creating a mechanism and collaborative network for all students association at school to be engaged and involved in each other’s activities for culture exchange, democratic communication habits, personal and professional networking.
We will be a supportive shoulder for the school administration and police department in successfully implementing the school policy and strategy to keep UMD safe and unique.
We will stand for what you believe, provide constructive feedback, and will passionately work for more diversity, equity, and inclusion, hearing each student's voice via conducting surveys and research to make SGA your home.
Last but not least, I believe that I would be an excellent candidate and fit for the SGA President position due to my leadership abilities, emotional intelligence, good communication skills, listening, and speaking capability. I will use these abilities to identify sources, opportunities, and utilize them effectively in close collaboration with the UMD administration to support your academic and social dream. I have extensive experience working on a large academic and social projects; I will be calling you to share your concept, ideas, and needs, then we will create a rich and comprehensive concept sharing with the UMD administration, then share with the State's Governor, the Federal and State Departments of Educations, as well as with the three branches like executive branches white house, legislative branches congress, and judicial branch the court system, also big businesses industries owners to support our school and SGA’s concepts. My fellow Terps, therefore, I strongly encourage you and respectfully suggest that you consider your decision critically and vote for the right person at the right time. Vote based on qualifications not on something else; as a smart and rational Terp, act patriotically, strategically, academically, and vote for a person to represent you.
To make a long story short, I would like to assure you that "Serving UMD-College Park and my fellow Terps is my Blu-Print Thesis during my school time."
"Help Me to Help You"
VOTE for me is VOTE for you: I win, you win, we all win.
My Fellow Terps let’s Go & Grow Together.
To become a dreamer and achiever, join my team and VOTE for me!
VOTE, for me, is a real and rational deal; just do it.
We are life-saver and dream builder team:
Do not hesitate: VOTE for me to represent you!
Remember! VOTE for me is VOTE for Hope, Positive Change, Progress, Academic Success, Scholarships, Networking, Exposure Visits/Travel, and much more.
Keep this in mind! Voting for me is a strategic investment in your future, and it is a stepping-stone toward establishing reliable and trustworthy networking that you can count on and feel secure.
The sooner you act, the better! , VOTE for me, and I promise you will not be sorry or stressed if you do; VOTE wisely to enhance your SGA!
It is a deep desire of mine to speak up for those students who have no one to speak for them. I promise that I will fight and do everything in my power to safeguard what is rightfully yours.
Let's stand together, fight for positive change and build one voice and one Terp Community. Voting for me is protecting your SGA, your future, and your school.
I passionately want to be a voice for voiceless students: And I assure you that I will help you achieve your academic goals and realize your dreams.
We will bring the SGA back on track to prevail collaboration, instill democratic communication habits, build trust, and improve fearless ideas.
Remembers, Terps Help Terps, Students Help Students, Neighbors Help Neighbors, then help me and use your valuable VOTE for me.